DR-22-02, SR-22-02, CUP-22-02, PUD-22-01 - Stor-It Self Storage Expansion

Null, 14180 Highway 55, 379 Elo Rd, 912 S Samson Tr

An application for a Planned Unit Development Preliminary Plan a Conditional Use Permit, Design Review, and Scenic Route Review to expand the operations of the STOR-IT facility located on the adjacent parcel, and add 15 buildings offering 668 storage units varying in size on a property totaling 10.04 Acres or 437,545 square feet. The property zoned RE, R1 and is more particularly described as:
Situate in the NE ¼ of the NE ¼ of the SE ¼, less Deeded County Rd R-O-W in Section 21, T18N, R3E, B.M., Valley County, Idaho.

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Nobody is tracking this project yet.

Status: Application Submitted

Date Submitted: Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Scheduled Hearings

Review Body
Date of Hearing
McCall Area Planning & Zoning Commission January 10, 2023
Valley County Board of Commissioners March 20, 2023
Valley County Board of Commissioners May 01, 2023
Valley County Board of Commissioners June 20, 2023
McCall Area Planning & Zoning Commission July 30, 2024

Required Documents

Last Modified
Grading Plan September 28, 2022
Existing Natural Features Map September 28, 2022
Phasing Plan September 28, 2022
Traffic Study September 28, 2022
Building Plans September 28, 2022
Preliminary Development Plan September 28, 2022
Landscape Plan September 28, 2022
Site Plan October 27, 2022
Neighborhood Meeting Notes September 28, 2022
Lighting Plan September 28, 2022

Project Location

Project Attributes

How will the proposed use NOT harm the land or water of the subject property and adjacent properties?:

The proposed use will retain all stormwater on site and will help preserve water on the adjacent properties.

What public services and facilities will serve the proposed use? Police? School? Streets? Fire? Water? Sewer? Other?:

The proposed design intends to utilize available municipal fire and police services. Water and sewer will be private systems.

How will the proposed use NOT cause unreasonable traffic, noise, glare, and other forms of pollution?:

The storage use, by its nature is a very low impact use.

How will the proposed use NOT adversely affect the pedestrian environment?:

The beautiful architecture and generous landscape buffer, featuring native plantings and an extension of pathway system will only add to the pedestrian experience.

How will the proposed use NOT be a detriment to traffic on surrounding streets?:

The proposed use would have very little impact to traffic within the neighborhood.

How will the proposed use NOT affect scenic features?:

The design uses landscaping to soften the architecture and blend in with the natural surroundings. The use of native plantings will enhance and restore the look of the scenic byway.

How will the propose use NOT affect historic features?:

The existing site is not classified as a historical site.

Explain how the subject property is of sufficient size to accommodate the proposed use.:

The subject property sufficiently accommodates the proposed use. Sufficient snow storage areas are located throughout the site. The site accommodates the building footprint with generous drive aisles, landscape buffers, 7 parking stalls and 1 ADA parking stall.

Explain how the proposed use will NOT have a negative economic impact on the surrounding neighborhood or community?:

Recreational vehicle storage within the McCall area of impact will help McCall reach its goal of becoming a major recreation hub. A more convenient way for the public to store their RVs, boats, and ATVs will only make it easier for recreational tourists to access and use the area.

What is the relationship of the proposed use to the surrounding properties?:

The most of the proposed development is surrounded by commercial properties and bare land. There are residential properties to the East of the development.

Existing Lot Coverage (%):


Proposed Lot Coverage (%):


Minimum Street Frontage Proposed (feet):


Minimum Lot Size Proposed (Square Feet):


Proposed Number of Lots:


Total Number of Existing Lots:


How is the underlying zoning and Title 9 met except as specifically requested as part of the PUD?:

The proposed project takes advantage of natural settings. Vegetation will cover all areas that are not used for structures, drives, walks, usable, or improved off street parking. Plants and trees are to be native or suitable plants according to appendix B. Parking areas, waste containers, transformers, and HVAC equipment will be screened by buildings or landscaping.

How are the proposed uses are not detrimental to present and potential surrounding uses?:

The proposed project takes advantage of natural settings. Vegetation will cover all areas that are not used for structures, drives, walks, usable, or improved off street parking. Plants and trees are to be native or suitable plants according to appendix B. Parking areas, waste containers, transformers, and HVAC equipment will be screened by buildings or landscaping.

Is the density of the PUD considered as a whole in substantial conformity with the density of the underlying zone?:


Are any variation from the basic zone requirements warranted by the design and amenities incorporated in the plan?:

Most structural standards, open space requirements, landscape plan requirements, grading and storm water management standards, existing street and utility standards, building height requirements, and scenic byway standards have been considered and met and do not require alleviations. This PUD preserves and maintains natural qualities, creates ample open space and adequate parking, provides amenities and works well within the existing neighborhood. The PUD meets the underlying zoning standards, except as noted below. • Windowless walls on primary street facades are prohibited. (MCC 3.4.07(C)6b.) The self storage use makes it challenge to avoid blank walls. Transparent glazing along the first floor façade has the potential to be quite unsightly. We have proposed multiple materials, second floor glazing and a mural to engage the public along Elo Rd. Enhanced landscaping will also be proposed in this area to visually breakup the wall. Along Samson Trail a mural is proposed along with a berm and enhanced landscaping to screen the wall. • Side yard setbacks to equal at least 30% of lot width. (MCC 3.3.04) Adequate setbacks are provided to accommodate the additions to the pathway extensions along Elo Rd. and Samson Trail. The 30’ setback along Samson Trail allows for a berm and enhanced landscaping to screen the buildings. The existing storage facility is setback approximately 190’ from Hwy 55. • Maximum permitted lot coverage of 10% for sites larger the 200,000 sf and above. (MCC 3.3.06) Existing and proposed building footprints cover 30% of the project. This allows for adequate open space to accommodate the proposed an extension of the public pathway, transit stop and trailhead parking. There is a large buffer between the existing structures and Hwy 55.

Does the PUD must meet the general objectives of the McCall Area Comprehensive Plan?:


Scenic Route Frontage (feet):


Number of Trees Proposed Along Scenic Route:


Number of Shrubs Proposed Along Scenic Route:


Sewer Service:


Water Service:


Legal Description:

Situate in the NE ¼ of the NE ¼ of the SE ¼, less Deeded County Rd R-O-W in Section 21, T18N, R3E, B.M., Valley County, Idaho.

Square Feet of New Construction:


Project Description:

An application for a Planned Unit Development Preliminary Plan a Conditional Use Permit, Design Review, and Scenic Route Review to expand the operations of the STOR-IT facility located on the adjacent parcel, and add 15 buildings offering 668 storage units varying in size on a property totaling 10.04 Acres or 437,545 square feet.

Number of Parking Spaces Proposed:


Neighborhood Meeting Date:


Neighborhood Meeting Time:

6:00 PM

Is the use a conditional use in the zone?:


Explain the relationship of the proposed used to the Comprehensive Plan.:

The intention for this proposed expansion is to create an attractive project that will provide a much needed service to the community. The storage use will be cohesive with the surrounding neighborhood, providing users a safe and convenient place store their personal items and recreational vehicles. The ability to store vehicles, RVs, boats, and other recreational equipment nearby has the potential to encourage more tourism to the area. Having a place to store these types of vehicles and equipment will give the public more options in the types of housing they would require.

Explain how the application meets the general and specific objects of Title 3.:

The storage use will work cohesively with the surrounding development. The proposed use would have very little impact to traffic within the area. This low density development will help in preserving open space and provide public amenities. The beautiful architecture and generous landscape buffer, featuring native plantings and an extension of pathway system will enhance the City’s main corridor and scenic byway.

How is the proposed use harmonious with the character of the existing neighborhood?:

The proposed project is harmonious fit with the existing neighborhood. This facility will help to fill a need for storage in the community. The proposed satellite fire station will allow the fire depart to have vehicles and equipment ready to go on the South side of town. This should allow for quicker response times to those rural areas. The proposed expansion of the pathway system along Elo Rd and Sampson Trail, along with transit stop, will allow for more transit options to access the downtown and other amenities.

How is the proposed use harmonious with the appearance of the existing neighborhood?:

The architecture, materials and landscaping would only complement and enhance the aesthetics of the surrounding neighborhood.

How will the proposed use NOT be detrimental to the general welfare, health, and safety of the neighborhood?:

Careful design considerations were taken into account to ensure general welfare, health and safety of the neighborhood. The design considered automobile and pedestrian traffic to ensure safety for pedestrians. Design considerations are being taken to preserve open space on the site and create more environmentally friendly buildings.

Project Type:


Project Planners

Brian Parker

Transportation Analysis

Walkshed Nearest Uses
Copyright 2020 Parker Planning Services, LLC